Wednesday, December 11, 2013

PIV Web tech unit wise important questions





1.      Explain HTML, XML and HTTP.
2.      Explain the structure of HTML document.
3.      Write in detail about HTML document head.
4.      Explain the importance of the Document body.
5.      Explain various HTML tags.
6.      List and explain various attributes in HTML.
7.      Explain in detail about fonts, presenting, arranging, performing and centering text in HTML.
8.      What is Hyperlink? Explain the importance with an example.
9.      Write in detail about various types of Lists.
10.  What are the various types and attributes associated with tables? Explain.
11.  Explain about colors and images in HTML.
More HTML:
12.  Discuss in detail about multimedia objects in HTML.(or) Discuss different ways of handling multimedia in a Web Browser.
13.  What is a frame? Explain in detail.
14.  What is the role of the HTML Form?
15.  Discuss in brief about the XHTML: An evolutionary markup.
16.  Explain relationship between HTML and CGI.

Short Type:
1.      What is positioning?
2.      What is Hypertext?
3.      What are Frames and Frameset in HTML?
4.      What is MIME?
5.      Style versus Formatting.
6.      What is the difference between <title> and <h1> tags?



1.      What is CSS? Explain the syntax with an example.
2.      What are advantages and disadvantages of CSS?
3.      List and describe various ways to insert style sheets.(or) What are style sheets? Give a worked example of style sheets.
4.      List and describe various properties and values in styles.
5.      Explain how to format blocks of informations in stylesheets:  
(i) classes (ii) divisions (iii) spans with an example.

6.      What are id and Class Selectors? Explain.
7.      What is a layer? How are they described within HTML Code?

1.      What is DHTML? Explain the incorporation of JavaScript with HTML code with an example.
2.      Explain advantages and disadvantages of JavaScript.
3.      What are Data types available in JavaScript? Explain with example.
4.      How to create variables in JavaScript?
5.      Write about the most important string manipulation functions.
6.      List and explain some important math functions in JavaScript.
7.      Discuss in detail about statements in Javascript.
8.      What are the various operators available in JavaScript?
9.      Explain how to create an array and also explain how to access array members.
10.  What is a function? Explain parametric function in Web design with example.

Short Type:
1.      Units and URLs.
2.      Background colors and Images.
3.      Define Javascript with the syntax.

1.      Write in brief about regular expressions  in Javascript with examples.
2.      Write in brief about  functions in Javascript with examples.
3.      Describe in detail about exception handling mechanism in javascript.
4.      With examples, write about the following built in objects.
(i)Document object (ii) Window object (iii) Form object (iv) Browser object (v) Data object.
5.      What is an event? Explain Javascript events with an example.

1.      Write in detail about data validation in Java script with example.
2.      Write in detail (i) Messages and confirmations (ii) Status bar.
3.      Write in detail about color picker with an example.
4.      Explain in detail about Rollover buttons.
5.      Discuss about how to download multiple pages in a single download.
6.      What is a floating logos? Explain the usage of Javascript for this purpose?
7.      Explain SetupEvents(),PositionLogo(),Reposition() functions?

Short Type:
1.      What is Javascript Object?
2.      What is Browser Sniffing?
3.      What is DHTML?
4.      How to give movement to an image?

1.      List and explain various built-in objects in ASP.
2.      Write in detail about the components of ASP.
3.      What is ASP? Write the procedure to create active server pages.

1.      Give the syntax of an XML document and explain how a basic XML document is created with an example.
2.      Explain XML elements and controls with the help of script.
3.      What are DTDs? Explain various elements and attributes IN DTDs.
4.      Write about XML Namespaces.
5.      Define an XML Schema. Show how an XML Schema can be created.
6.      Explain XML DOM.
7.      What is XSL? List out various elements of XSL and explain how it works.

1.      List and explain various factors to make a good design of web page.
2.      Explain table versus frames with an example?

Short Type:

1.      What is ASP?
2.      List out the benefits of ASP.
3.      What are Cookies?
4.      What is XML? Describe Nesting tags and Attributes.
5.      What is valid and well formed?
6.      What is entity or entities?
7.      Advantages of XSD over DTD.
8.      Difference between Contrasting Frames and tables.
9.      What is accessibility?
10.  What is internationalization?

UNIT-V: (Web based softwares and Protocols)

 Useful Software:
1.      What factors need to be considered when choosing a Web browser?
2.      Outline some of the advantages of using Perl for CGI Scripting.
3.      What is a web server? How Web server works?
4.      Explain how to access your ISP. What are the FTP and Telnet Protocols?
1.      Write in detail about Internet Protocol (IP) and Transmission Control Protocol(TCP)?
2.      Explain HTTP with an example?
3.      What is  CGI Protocol? List out the environment variables that you can use in your CGI Scripts.
4.      Explain the GET and POST methods of HTTP Protocol?
5.   What is document object model? What is the relationship between some HTML code and the DOM?

Short Type:

1.      What is Perl?
2.      Write about Mod-Perl.
3.      What are the featurs of Perl?
4.      What are Protocol
5.    What is ISP?

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