B.Com. I Year Examination, October/November, 2010
(Common Paper for Computers & Computer Applications (Voc.) Candidates)
Time : 3 Hours] [ Max. Marks : 70
PART – A 5 × 4 = 20 Marks
I Answer any five questions in not exceeding 20 lines each :
- History of C Language.
- Write about Special Operations in C Language.
- How do you create a Dynamic Array ?
- What do u mean by Function Call ?
- What is a Pointer ?
- How do you access Structure Members ?
- Write about Call by Reference.
- Write about Switch Statement.
PART – B 5 × 10 = 50 Marks
II. Answer the following questions in not exceeding 3 pages each :
- (a) Explain in detail the formatted input statement used in C Language.
(b) What is a Data Type ? Explain the various data types in C Language.
- (a) Explain the different branching statements in C Language With syntax and examples.
(b) Explain the different operators used in C Language. Give examples.
- (a) Write a simple C program to demonstrate the various string Functions in C Language.
(b) How do you declare an array ? Write about initializing an array At compile time and runtime.
- (a) Explain about the return values and their types in User-defined Functions.
(b) Explain the different Built-in functions available in C Language.
- (a) Write about array of structures. Explain With examples.
(b) Why do we use unions in C Language ? Write with syntax and Examples.
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