MARCH -2010
III B.Com.
Time: 3 Hours] [Max. Marks:70
PART – A (5 × 4 = 20 Marks)
Answer Any five questions in not exceeding 20 lines each.
- Explain about <!Doctype> tag with an example.
- How do you create color values ? Explain.
- What are the subtypes of a variant ?
- What is variable ? How do you declare and initialize a variable ?
- Differentiate between HTML and DHTML.
- What are filters ? What are Advantages of filters ?
- Write a short note on data access technology ?
- Define link timing.
PART – B (5×10 = 50 Marks)
Answer the following questions in not exceeding four pages each.
- a) Write the difference between a table and frame , With examples.
b) Explain about the good web design principles.
10. a) Explain about different types of operators and their usage.
b) Write a program to display current date and time in VBScript.
11. a) What is an event ? List out sources of events.
b) How to create animation ? Explain.
12. a) What is the importance of ASP ? Explain.
b) What are the five standard objects of ASP for global use ?
13. a) Discuss about XML document object model with examples.
b) Explain the features of XML and differentiate between XML and XSL.
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