Wednesday, December 18, 2013

unit wise important question web programming



1.      What is HTML? Explain the formatting features available in HTML.

2.      Explain the concept of Frames with two examples.

3.      Create a Time table using appropriate Table tags.

4.      Explain the concept of Multimedia in HTML and its tags.

5.      Explain the concept of List and its related tags with an example.

6.     What are form elements and how does a form work?

7.      Define a Markup language. Explain the purpose of using it.

8.      What is HTML? Describe the structure of a HTML document.

9.      Describe the significance of frames in HTML documents. Explain the various attributes

10.  Explain the different attributes which are associated with <IMG> tag.

11.  What are style sheets? Discuss the types of style sheets.

12.  Describe about Presenting and Arranging Text tags available in HTML.

13.  What is HTML? List out few tags, which are paired and unpaired tags.


1.      What is JavaScript? Give its syntax and explain its uses.

2.      What is an Object? Explain different properties and methods involved with each object.

3.      What are the events available in JavaScript? Explain each of them with examples? What is a Form? Explain different methods of Form.

4.      What are the different Control buttons supported by HTML and Javascript ?

Explain each of them with an example.

5.                   Explain all the Operators and control statements available in Javascript with examples?

6.                   Write a note on (a) Arrays                  (b) Variables

                                      (c) Window Object   (d) History Object

 7. Explain the various form controls used in HTML and their significance.

8.  Describe java script event handling.

9. Write a java script program that ask to enter 2 numbers and display the greatest number in the alert box.

10. What is an object? Explain different types of objects.

11. Describe about <input> tag in brief.


1.       Explain the concept of Amazing mouse over effects in DHTML.

2.      Explain the concept of CSS. Explain how they are used in DHTML.

3.      Write about Drag and Drop feature.

4.      Create a table using MSHTML control concept.

5.      Create a table using Tabular Data control.

6.      Explain the concept of RDS.

7.      Explain the concept of the XML Data Source Control.

8.      How the XML data source controls is used to create and populate HTML tables with data? Explain it.

9.      Write the code to create an animation using layers.

10.   How to sort TABLE data with the sort property of the TDC.

11.   Explain the visual effects in DHTML.

12.   What is Dynamic content? Explain it in brief.

13.   What is VML? What are the various shapes associated with it, explain in them.

14.   What is Data Binding? What are different types of Data Binding available? Explain them


1.      What is XML? List its uses? What is the difference between XML and HTML?

2.       Justify your answers on Valid and Well-formed XML document.

3.       Explain the concept of XML Schema.

4.       Write the method and a program to access XML Data using ActiveX object.

5.       Explain the concept of XML Data Islands.

6.       What is XML Parsing? Outline the method of parsing XML document to get an element content.

7.       How is Data Binding possible in XML document?

8.       What is Record sets in XML.


1.      What is Perl? Write the statements and declarations of Perl with an example.

2.      Explain the types of variables available in Perl .

3.      Explain various operators of Perl with good examples.

4.      Explain the concept of Arrays and Lists in Perl.

5.      What are the different looping statements?

6.      Explain about Perl Script

7.      How are Scrolling lists, Password fields, Text areas, checkboxes, and radio buttons created using Perl Scripting language?

8.      With an example, explain Hash data type of Perl.

9.      Write a Perl program using CGI to generate a relevant code for HTML web page.

10. Describe how to input from an HTML for its retrieved in Perl program.


  1. Web programming important questions. Describe web applications, CGI, and the role of Java
  2. Describe benefits of Java servlet technology
  3. Define three-tier architecture
  4. Define Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture
  5. Describe why Servlets are not the whole solution
  6. Describe essentials of JSPs
  7. State the fundamentals and reasons for MVC architecture
  8. tate the difference between HTTP 1.0 and HTTP 1.1
  9. Give more details of the HTTP protocol
  10. State the fundamentals of HTML forms
  11. State the fundamentals of the HttpServlet and related APIs
  12. How does that manage client sessions and cookies
  13. Understand the purpose and structure of deployment descriptors
  14. What is a context
  15. What is Control context root and servlet mapping
  16. How are annotations used to configure servlets
  17. State the benefits, and weaknesses of JSPs
  18. Describe JSP technology, the conversion of JSPs to servlets, and the lifecycle of JSPs
  19. What are filters and how can we use them in web applications
  20. What are the roles of JDBC and JPA
  21. What are the interactions that are essential to asynchronous web pages
  22. What is the role of the container in security
  23. Describe and implement four authentication models
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