Wednesday, December 18, 2013

model test paper B.Sc P-IV Web Programming

B.Sc. III Year  

Marks: 100                                                                                                                   Time 3 Hrs.
I.         Answer all Questions.                                                                                                        2x10=20
1)      What is a Hyperlink and Image with example?
2)      Write about style v/s formatting in HTML.
3)      What are ID and Class Selectors?
4)      What is a function?
5)      What is Browser sniffing?
6)      How to give movement to an image?
7)      What is XML? Describe nesting tags and attributes.
8)      Difference between contrasting frames and tables.
9)      Explain environment variables.
10)   What is Perl and Mod-Pearl?
 (Sec –B)
      II.          Answer all Questions.                                                                                    5x16=80
1. (a) Briefly explain the different formats used in Web design with example.
    (b) Explain HTML, XML and MIME in detail with example.
    (c)What is a table and a frame? Explain with the help of example and code.
    (d) Explain different multimedia objects used in web design.
2. (a) Explain style sheets with example.
    (b) Explain formatting block (i) classes (ii) divisions (iii) spans with example.
    (c)What is DHTML? Explain the incorporation of JavaScript with HTML code with an example.
(d) Explain any 4 functions with code for string and Mathematical categories each.
3.  (a) Explain built in objects in detail.
     (b) Explain (i) Exception handling procedure with example (ii) Regular expression in Java 
     (c) Explain in JavaScript with example (i) Data Validation (ii) Messages and confirmation.                
     (d) Explain (i) Color picker structure    (ii) Floating logo with example.
4.  (a) What is ASP? Explain different ASP built in Objects used for web design with example.
     (b) Write in detail about the function and procedure to create Active Server Pages.
     (c)Explain XML elements and controls with example.
     (d) What are DTDs? Explain various elements and attributes in DTDs.
5.  (a)What factors need to be considered when choosing a web browser?
     (b) Explain (i) FTP (ii) Telnet (iii) ISP.
     (c) Explain the concepts IP, TCP and HTTP with examples.
       (d) Explain (i) CGI (ii) DOM (iii) GET and POST methods.
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