Computer Lab - Practical Question
B.Com (Computer &
Computer Applications) II
Year W.E.F.2009-10
1) Create a Student table for the following fields :
StudentNO ,StudentName,Marks in DBMS, E.Commerce, FIT, WebProgramming)
( a ) Insert Five Records.
( b ) calculate Total for Marks
field .
2) Create a Student table for the following fields :
,StudentName,Marks in B.Law,
( a ) Insert Five Records.
( b ) calculate Total for Marks
field .
( c ) Calculate Average of Marks .
3) Create a Student table for the following fields :
Marks in FirstYear, SecondYear, FinalYear)
( a ) Insert Five Records.
( b ) calculate Percentage for
Marks field
4) Create a Student table for the following fields :
StudentName, StudentCollege,University,Address, Marks in FirstYear,
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) calculate Percentage for
Marks field
( c ) List all the students who got less than 50% Marks .
( d ) List all the students who got more than 90% Marks .
Create a Student table for the
following fields :
StudentName, Marks in DBMS, E.Commerce, FIT, C- Language,
( a ) Insert Five Records.
( b ) calculate Total for
Marks field
( c ) Calculate Average of Marks .
( d ) Increase 10 marks for the students where
average is < 50 .
6) Create a Student table for the following fields :
( StudentNO
,StudentName,Marks in DBMS,E.Commerce,FIT,WebProgramming)
( a ) Insert Five Records.
( b ) Calculate Total for
Marks field
( c ) Calculate Average of Marks .
( d ) Increase 5 Percent marks for the students
where average is < 40
7) Create a Student table for the following fields :
( StudentNO
,StudentName,Marks in DBMS,E.Commerce,FIT,WebProgramming)
( a ) Insert Five Records.
( b ) Increase 9% marks to all students in total .
( c ) List all the students who are failed .
( d ) Create a view by the name Student12.
8) Create a Student table for the following fields :
,StudentName,Marks in Hindi, English, Economics, Computers, Total,
( a ) Insert Five Records.
( b ) Increase 5%
marks to all the
( c ) Remarks : Average > 70 : First .
Average > 50 and
< 70 : Second
9) Create a Student table for the following fields :
,StudentName,Marks in Hindi, English, Economics, Computers, Total,
( a ) Insert Five Records.
( b ) Increase 7%
marks to all the
( c ) Remarks : Average > 60 : First .
Average > 50 and
< 60 :
Second .
Average > 40 and
< 50 :
Third .
10) Create a Student table for the following fields :
as Primary Key , StudentName,Marks in
( a ) Insert Five Records.
( b ) calculate Total for
Marks field
( c ) Calculate Average of Marks .
( d ) Increase 20 marks for the students where
average is < 45 .
11) Create a Student table for the following fields :
as Primary Key , StudentName,Marks in
( a ) Insert Five Records.
( b ) calculate Total for
Marks field
( c ) Calculate Average of Marks .
( d ) Increase 10 marks for the students where
average is < 30 .
( e ) Delete the records whose Average < 30 .
12) Create a Emp table for the following fields :
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Calculate Total for Salary field .
( c ) List all the Employees
get less than 5000 as Salary .
Create a Emp table for the
following fields :
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Calculate Total for Salary field .
( c ) List all the Employees
get less than 6000 as Salary .
( d ) Increase Rs. 1000 for the employees whose
salary is less than 6000
Create a Emp table with the
following fields
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Use Any
Five Aggregate
Functions .
15) Create a Emp table with the following fields :
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Use Any
Five Aggregate
Functions .
16) Create a Emp table with the following fields :
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Calculate DA as 30% of Basic .
( c ) Calculate HRA as 40% of Basic .
( d ) Calculate Gross Pay and Net Pay .
17) Create a Emp table with the following fields :
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Calculate DA as 60% of Basic .
( c ) Calculate HRA as 20% of Basic .
( d ) Calculate PF as 12% of Basic.
( e ) Calculate Gross Pay and Net Pay .
18) Create a Emp table with the following fields :
DA,HRA,PF, Date of Joining,GrossPay,NetPay)
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Calculate DA as 25% of Basic .
( c ) Calculate HRA as 45% of Basic .
( d ) Calculate Gross Pay and Net Pay .
( e ) Display all the Department
Numbers and Employees
Names .
19) Create a Emp table with the following fields :
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b )Display the Unique Department Numbers .
( c ) Display all the Tupples .
( d ) Replace the heading ANNSAL instead
for Sal * 12 .
20) Create a Emp table with the following fields :
(EmpNO as
Primary key , EmpName,Job,Basic Salary)
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Display all the
where job=Accountant .
21) Create a Emp table with the following fields :
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Display all the employees who earn minimum
salary .
( c ) Display all the employees who earn maximum
salary .
22) Create a Emp table with the following fields :
date,Dept name )
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Find Average of salary .
( c ) Display all the clerks in each Dept .
23) Create a Emp table with the following fields :
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Create a view
by the name
Emp12 .
(c ) Alter
the width of field
EmpName to 21 characters .
24) Create a Emp table with the following fields :
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Display the employees whose
NetPay is lowest in each department .
( c ) If NetPay is
less than <
Rs. 10,000 add Rs. 1200 as special allowances .
25) Create a Emp table with the following fields :
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Calculate DA as 30% of Basic .
( c ) Delete the tupple where DA=1000.
( d ) Calculate Gross Pay and Net Pay .
26) Create a Course table with the
following fields
( Student Name, Course ,College ,Fee )
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Display the lowest course fee along with the Course
( c ) Display the students name who have done the
course M.B.A.
27) Create a Course table with the
following fields
( Student
Name, Course ,College
,Fee )
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Display all the tupples .
( c ) Use any five Aggregate functions .
28) Create a Course table with the
following fields
( Student
Name, Course ,College
,College Address,,Principal Name ,Fee )
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Display the Maximum course fee along with the Course
(c) Display the name of students, their college
name, Principal name
course is M.C.A..
29) Create a Course table with the
following fields
(Student Name,Course,College ,Fee ,NO.of Seats
available, Duration of
course )
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Display the lowest course fee along with the Course Duration
( c ) Display all the tupples .
30) Create Sales_Order
table with the
dely_type = Partial delivery( p )
or Full Delivery ( F )
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Display the order number and day on which
clients placed their
order .
( c ) Find the date, 15 days after
today’s date .
31) Create Sales_Order
table with the
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Display the order number and day on which
clients placed their
order .
( c ) Find the date, 15 days after
today’s date .
( d ) Display the month ( in alphabetical
order ) when the order must be delayed .
Sales_Order table with the fields
( a ) Insert five records
( b )Find the order_date in the format
( c ) Display the order_date as day in character
format i.e.
33) Create Sales table with the following fields
( SalesNO,Salesname,Branch,Salesamount,DOB)
( a ) Insert five records
( b )Calculate total salesamount in
each branch
( c ) Calculate average salesamount in each branch .
34) Create Sales table with the following fields
( SalesNO,Salesname,Branch,Salesamount,DOB)
( a ) Insert five records
( b )Calculate total salesamount in
each branch
( c ) Calculate average salesamount in each branch .
( d ) Display all the salesmen who are born in the
month of December .
35) Create Sales table with the following fields
( SalesNO,Salesname,Branch,Salesamount,DOB)
( a ) Insert five records
( b )Calculate total salesamount in
each branch
( c ) Calculate average salesamount in each branch .
( d ) Add a column called sales price .
36) Create Inventory table
( SalesNO,Salesname,Branch,Salesamount)
( a ) Insert five records
( b )Calculate total salesamount in
each branch
( c ) Delete the tupple where average salesamount
< 1000.
37) Create Inventory
table with the
following fields
( Product_id , Product name ,Quantity , Price )
( a ) Insert five records .
( b ) Add a column called sales price .
( c ) find the sales price as 50% of purchase of
price .
Create a
table DEPT with the following fields
( DeptNO,dname,Location)
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Display the dname which are located in
( c ) Add a column called deptexpenditure and
insert data .
Create a
table by the name Sports with the following fields
( SportsName ,SportsPerson,Gender, Age ,Experience )
( a ) Insert five records.
( b ) Display SportsPerson in upper case .
( c ) Display SportsName in lower case .
40) Create Inventory table
( SalesNO,Salesname,Branch,Salesamount)
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Calculate total salesamount in
each branch
( c ) Add a
column called
salesprice .
( d ) Calculate salesprice as 20%of salesamount .
41) Create
a software table with the
following fields
( softwarename , Cost, date of manufacture, date of
expiry ,NO of
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Display cost and date of manufacture for each
( c ) Display date of
manufacture and date
expiry for each software .
Create a software table with the
( softwarename , Cost, date of manufacture, date of
expiry ,NO of
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Display NO of copies and date of manufacture
for each software.
( c ) Display date of
manufacture and expiry for each
software .
Create a software table with the
( softwarename , Cost, date of manufacture, date of
expiry ,NO of
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Display cost and date of manufacture for each
( c ) Add a column called software
type and enter data into it .
( d ) Display the name of software in upper case .
44) Create a Faculty table with following fields
( Name , Specialization , Experience ,Age )
( a ) Insert five
( b ) Display the name in lower case
( c ) Add a column called Grade
( d ) If the
experience is more
than five years assign the grade as ‘’ A
45) Create a Faculty table with following fields
( Name , Subjects taught, Date of joining )
( a ) Insert five records .
( b ) Display the name, subject and Date of joining
in a format
like “
2nd of December
2010 “.
46) Create a table by the name Bank with the following
( BankName , Branch, InterestRate,CustomerAge,
( a ) Insert five records .
( b ) Display all the tupples.
( c ) For
the CustomerAge > 55
assign InterestRate as 12%on the amount.
47) Create Stock table with the following fields
( ItemNO, ItemName,Purchases,Sales)
( a ) Insert five records .
( b ) Display the item name which has highest sales
( c ) Add a column
called closing
stock and declare as
” closing
stock = purchases-sales
48) Create Teacher table with the following fields
( Name , DeptNO,DeptName,Location, Salary )
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Give Increment of 25% salary for Commerce
Department .
( c ) Perform
Rollback and Commit
commands .
49) Create Client_master
with the
following fields
( ClientNO,Name,Address,State,bal_due)
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Find the names of clients whose bal_due
> 5000 .
( c ) Change the bal_due of ClientNO
“ C123” to Rs. 5100
( d ) Change the name of Client_master to Client12 .
50) Create Product_ master
with the
following fields
( ProductNO,Qty,SellPrice,CostPrice)
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Calculate the average SellPrice of all the
products .
( c ) Display the maximum and minimum SellPrice .
( d ) Count the number of products having
CostPrice>=1000 .
Computer Lab - Practical Question
B.Com (Computer &
Computer Applications) II
Year W.E.F.2009-10
60 Minutes
: 10
Skill Test
: 20
Total Marks : 30
1) Create a Student table for the following fields :
StudentNO ,StudentName,Marks in DBMS, E.Commerce, FIT, WebProgramming)
( a ) Insert Five Records.
( b ) calculate Total for Marks
field .
2) Create a Student table for the following fields :
,StudentName,Marks in B.Law,
( a ) Insert Five Records.
( b ) calculate Total for Marks
field .
( c ) Calculate Average of Marks .
3) Create a Student table for the following fields :
Marks in FirstYear, SecondYear, FinalYear)
( a ) Insert Five Records.
( b ) calculate Percentage for
Marks field
4) Create a Student table for the following fields :
StudentName, StudentCollege,University,Address, Marks in FirstYear,
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) calculate Percentage for
Marks field
( c ) List all the students who got less than 50% Marks .
( d ) List all the students who got more than 90% Marks .
Create a Student table for the
following fields :
StudentName, Marks in DBMS, E.Commerce, FIT, C- Language,
( a ) Insert Five Records.
( b ) calculate Total for
Marks field
( c ) Calculate Average of Marks .
( d ) Increase 10 marks for the students where
average is < 50 .
6) Create a Student table for the following fields :
( StudentNO
,StudentName,Marks in DBMS,E.Commerce,FIT,WebProgramming)
( a ) Insert Five Records.
( b ) Calculate Total for
Marks field
( c ) Calculate Average of Marks .
( d ) Increase 5 Percent marks for the students
where average is < 40
7) Create a Student table for the following fields :
( StudentNO
,StudentName,Marks in DBMS,E.Commerce,FIT,WebProgramming)
( a ) Insert Five Records.
( b ) Increase 9% marks to all students in total .
( c ) List all the students who are failed .
( d ) Create a view by the name Student12.
8) Create a Student table for the following fields :
,StudentName,Marks in Hindi, English, Economics, Computers, Total,
( a ) Insert Five Records.
( b ) Increase 5%
marks to all the
( c ) Remarks : Average > 70 : First .
Average > 50 and
< 70 : Second
9) Create a Student table for the following fields :
,StudentName,Marks in Hindi, English, Economics, Computers, Total,
( a ) Insert Five Records.
( b ) Increase 7%
marks to all the
( c ) Remarks : Average > 60 : First .
Average > 50 and
< 60 :
Second .
Average > 40 and
< 50 :
Third .
10) Create a Student table for the following fields :
as Primary Key , StudentName,Marks in
( a ) Insert Five Records.
( b ) calculate Total for
Marks field
( c ) Calculate Average of Marks .
( d ) Increase 20 marks for the students where
average is < 45 .
11) Create a Student table for the following fields :
as Primary Key , StudentName,Marks in
( a ) Insert Five Records.
( b ) calculate Total for
Marks field
( c ) Calculate Average of Marks .
( d ) Increase 10 marks for the students where
average is < 30 .
( e ) Delete the records whose Average < 30 .
12) Create a Emp table for the following fields :
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Calculate Total for Salary field .
( c ) List all the Employees
get less than 5000 as Salary .
Create a Emp table for the
following fields :
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Calculate Total for Salary field .
( c ) List all the Employees
get less than 6000 as Salary .
( d ) Increase Rs. 1000 for the employees whose
salary is less than 6000
Create a Emp table with the
following fields
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Use Any
Five Aggregate
Functions .
15) Create a Emp table with the following fields :
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Use Any
Five Aggregate
Functions .
16) Create a Emp table with the following fields :
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Calculate DA as 30% of Basic .
( c ) Calculate HRA as 40% of Basic .
( d ) Calculate Gross Pay and Net Pay .
17) Create a Emp table with the following fields :
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Calculate DA as 60% of Basic .
( c ) Calculate HRA as 20% of Basic .
( d ) Calculate PF as 12% of Basic.
( e ) Calculate Gross Pay and Net Pay .
18) Create a Emp table with the following fields :
DA,HRA,PF, Date of Joining,GrossPay,NetPay)
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Calculate DA as 25% of Basic .
( c ) Calculate HRA as 45% of Basic .
( d ) Calculate Gross Pay and Net Pay .
( e ) Display all the Department
Numbers and Employees
Names .
19) Create a Emp table with the following fields :
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b )Display the Unique Department Numbers .
( c ) Display all the Tupples .
( d ) Replace the heading ANNSAL instead
for Sal * 12 .
20) Create a Emp table with the following fields :
(EmpNO as
Primary key , EmpName,Job,Basic Salary)
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Display all the
where job=Accountant .
21) Create a Emp table with the following fields :
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Display all the employees who earn minimum
salary .
( c ) Display all the employees who earn maximum
salary .
22) Create a Emp table with the following fields :
date,Dept name )
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Find Average of salary .
( c ) Display all the clerks in each Dept .
23) Create a Emp table with the following fields :
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Create a view
by the name
Emp12 .
(c ) Alter
the width of field
EmpName to 21 characters .
24) Create a Emp table with the following fields :
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Display the employees whose
NetPay is lowest in each department .
( c ) If NetPay is
less than <
Rs. 10,000 add Rs. 1200 as special allowances .
25) Create a Emp table with the following fields :
( a )
Insert Five Records.
( b ) Calculate DA as 30% of Basic .
( c ) Delete the tupple where DA=1000.
( d ) Calculate Gross Pay and Net Pay .
26) Create a Course table with the
following fields
( Student Name, Course ,College ,Fee )
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Display the lowest course fee along with the Course
( c ) Display the students name who have done the
course M.B.A.
27) Create a Course table with the
following fields
( Student
Name, Course ,College
,Fee )
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Display all the tupples .
( c ) Use any five Aggregate functions .
28) Create a Course table with the
following fields
( Student
Name, Course ,College
,College Address,,Principal Name ,Fee )
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Display the Maximum course fee along with the Course
(c) Display the name of students, their college
name, Principal name
course is M.C.A..
29) Create a Course table with the
following fields
(Student Name,Course,College ,Fee ,NO.of Seats
available, Duration of
course )
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Display the lowest course fee along with the Course Duration
( c ) Display all the tupples .
30) Create Sales_Order
table with the
dely_type = Partial delivery( p )
or Full Delivery ( F )
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Display the order number and day on which
clients placed their
order .
( c ) Find the date, 15 days after
today’s date .
31) Create Sales_Order
table with the
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Display the order number and day on which
clients placed their
order .
( c ) Find the date, 15 days after
today’s date .
( d ) Display the month ( in alphabetical
order ) when the order must be delayed .
Sales_Order table with the fields
( a ) Insert five records
( b )Find the order_date in the format
( c ) Display the order_date as day in character
format i.e.
33) Create Sales table with the following fields
( SalesNO,Salesname,Branch,Salesamount,DOB)
( a ) Insert five records
( b )Calculate total salesamount in
each branch
( c ) Calculate average salesamount in each branch .
34) Create Sales table with the following fields
( SalesNO,Salesname,Branch,Salesamount,DOB)
( a ) Insert five records
( b )Calculate total salesamount in
each branch
( c ) Calculate average salesamount in each branch .
( d ) Display all the salesmen who are born in the
month of December .
35) Create Sales table with the following fields
( SalesNO,Salesname,Branch,Salesamount,DOB)
( a ) Insert five records
( b )Calculate total salesamount in
each branch
( c ) Calculate average salesamount in each branch .
( d ) Add a column called sales price .
36) Create Inventory table
( SalesNO,Salesname,Branch,Salesamount)
( a ) Insert five records
( b )Calculate total salesamount in
each branch
( c ) Delete the tupple where average salesamount
< 1000.
37) Create Inventory
table with the
following fields
( Product_id , Product name ,Quantity , Price )
( a ) Insert five records .
( b ) Add a column called sales price .
( c ) find the sales price as 50% of purchase of
price .
Create a
table DEPT with the following fields
( DeptNO,dname,Location)
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Display the dname which are located in
( c ) Add a column called deptexpenditure and
insert data .
Create a
table by the name Sports with the following fields
( SportsName ,SportsPerson,Gender, Age ,Experience )
( a ) Insert five records.
( b ) Display SportsPerson in upper case .
( c ) Display SportsName in lower case .
40) Create Inventory table
( SalesNO,Salesname,Branch,Salesamount)
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Calculate total salesamount in
each branch
( c ) Add a
column called
salesprice .
( d ) Calculate salesprice as 20%of salesamount .
41) Create
a software table with the
following fields
( softwarename , Cost, date of manufacture, date of
expiry ,NO of
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Display cost and date of manufacture for each
( c ) Display date of
manufacture and date
expiry for each software .
Create a software table with the
( softwarename , Cost, date of manufacture, date of
expiry ,NO of
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Display NO of copies and date of manufacture
for each software.
( c ) Display date of
manufacture and expiry for each
software .
Create a software table with the
( softwarename , Cost, date of manufacture, date of
expiry ,NO of
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Display cost and date of manufacture for each
( c ) Add a column called software
type and enter data into it .
( d ) Display the name of software in upper case .
44) Create a Faculty table with following fields
( Name , Specialization , Experience ,Age )
( a ) Insert five
( b ) Display the name in lower case
( c ) Add a column called Grade
( d ) If the
experience is more
than five years assign the grade as ‘’ A
45) Create a Faculty table with following fields
( Name , Subjects taught, Date of joining )
( a ) Insert five records .
( b ) Display the name, subject and Date of joining
in a format
like “
2nd of December
2010 “.
46) Create a table by the name Bank with the following
( BankName , Branch, InterestRate,CustomerAge,
( a ) Insert five records .
( b ) Display all the tupples.
( c ) For
the CustomerAge > 55
assign InterestRate as 12%on the amount.
47) Create Stock table with the following fields
( ItemNO, ItemName,Purchases,Sales)
( a ) Insert five records .
( b ) Display the item name which has highest sales
( c ) Add a column
called closing
stock and declare as
” closing
stock = purchases-sales
48) Create Teacher table with the following fields
( Name , DeptNO,DeptName,Location, Salary )
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Give Increment of 25% salary for Commerce
Department .
( c ) Perform
Rollback and Commit
commands .
49) Create Client_master
with the
following fields
( ClientNO,Name,Address,State,bal_due)
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Find the names of clients whose bal_due
> 5000 .
( c ) Change the bal_due of ClientNO
“ C123” to Rs. 5100
( d ) Change the name of Client_master to Client12 .
50) Create Product_ master
with the
following fields
( ProductNO,Qty,SellPrice,CostPrice)
( a ) Insert five records
( b ) Calculate the average SellPrice of all the
products .
( c ) Display the maximum and minimum SellPrice .
( d ) Count the number of products having
CostPrice>=1000 .
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