Thursday, December 12, 2013

Model test PaperDBMS

dbms model test paper

Model Question Paper

B.Sc.(Computer Science): III Year: Theory Paper-3

Database Management Systems


Time: 3Hrs                                                                               Max. Marks: 100


Answer the following questions. Each question carries 2 Marks.

                                                                   Section – A                                  (10 X 2 = 20M)


1.a) What is Meta Data? Why it is important?

   b) What is Candidate Key?

   c) What is the degree of a relationship?

   d) What is denormalization?

   e) What is subquery? Give an example.

   f) What is trigger?

  g) What are the properties of a Transaction?

  h) What are the advantages of the Distributed Databases?

   i) What is cube?

   j) What is Information System?


Section – B (5 X 16 = 80M)


Answer the following questions. Each question carries 18 Marks.


2. a) Discuss about three schema architecture for database development.

    b) Discuss about the reasons brings you to choose the database than the file system.



  c) What is Data independence? Discuss about levels of Data Independence.

  d) What is meant by Table? Give the characteristics of a Table.


3. a) Discuss about the components of ER Model?

    b) Discuss in detail about advantages and disadvantages of DDBMS.



   c) Discuss about BCNF. How does it differ from 3NF? Why it is considered a strong form of  


   d)  What is Cursor? How can you access the cursor in PL/SQL  program.


4. a) Discuss about Arithmetic functions in SQL with example?

    b) What is a view in SQL? Discuss the limits of View operations.




  c) What is Index? Describe the properties of an Indexes.

  d) Discuss about System Development Life Cycle.


5. a) What is serializability?  What is Transaction?




   b) Discuss about Client Server Architecture.

   c) Discuss about Data Fragmentation?


6. a) What is Data warehouse? Discuss about the properties of   Data Warehouse.

    b) Discuss about Star schema Architecture.




  c) Discuss about concurrency control.

  d) What is Data Analysis? How was OLAP operations are helpful in analysis of Data.


* * * *

 Answers :


 1.a) What is Meta Data?

 Data that describe the properties or characteristics of end user data and the context of

 that data.

  b) What is Candidate Key?

       An attribute or combination of attributes that uniquely identifies a row in a  relation.

 c) What is the degree of a relationship?

      The degree of a relationship is the number of entity types that participate in that


 d) What is denormalization?

      The process of transforming normalized relations into unnormalized physical  record specifications.

 e) What is subquery?

      A subquery is a query inside a query. A subquery normally expressed inside    parenthesis.  The first query in the SQL statement is known as the outer query.    The query inside the SQL statement is known as the inner query.

 f) What is trigger?

     A named set of SQL statements that is considered when a data  modification(INSERT, UPDATE,DELETE) occurs.  If a condition stated within the trigger is met then a prescribed action is taken.

 g) What are the properties of a Transaction?

 A database transaction is a logical unit of database operations which are executed as a whole to process user requests for retrieving data or updating the database. Each transaction must display atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. These properties are some time referred to as the ACID test.

 *  Atomicity - All of the tasks (usually SQL requests) of a database transaction must    

     be completed;  If incomplete due to any possible reasons, the database  transaction must be aborted.

 *  Consistency - The database must be in a consistent or legal state before and after the database transaction. It means that a database transaction must not break the database integrity constraints.

 *  Isolation  - Data used during the execution of a database transaction must not be used by another database transaction until the execution is completed. Therefore, the partial results of an incomplete transaction must not be  usable for other transactions until the transaction is successfully committed. It also means that the execution of a transaction is not affected by the database operations of other concurrent transactions.

 *  Durability - All the database modifications of a transaction will be made permanent even if a system failure occurs after the transaction has been completed.

  h) What are the advantages of the Distributed Databases?

      Advantages of distributed databases:      

      a.  Management of distributed data with different levels of transparency.

       b.  Increase reliability and availability.

       c.  Reflects organizational structure.

       d.  Local autonomy.

       e.  Protection of valuable data.

       f.  Economy.

       g.  Modularity.

       h.  Reliable transactions.

 i)  What is cube?

      The database end users can visualize the stored data as three dimensional cube

      known as a data cube. The location of each data value in the data cube is a

      function of the x-,y- and z- axes in a three dimensional space.  The x-,y- and z-

      axes represent the dimensions of the data value. The hypercubes are the data cubes

      with n number of dimensions.

   j)  What is Information System?

       Systems designed to support decision making based on historical point in time and

       prediction data for complex queries or data mining applications.

                                       Section – B                                          (5 X 16 = 80M)

 Answer the following questions. Each question carries 16 Marks.

 2.   a) Discuss about three schema architecture for database development.

 External schema : This is the views of managers and other employees who are the database users. This is also represented as a combination of the enterprise data model and a collection of detailed user views.

 Conceptual schema :  This schema combines the different external views into a single, coherent definition of the enterprise’s data.  The conceptual schema represents the view of the data architect or data administrator.

 Internal schema : This schema consists of two separate schemas :  a logical schema and a physical schema.  The logical schema is the representation of data for a type of data management technology.  The physical schema describes how data are to be represented and stored in secondary storage using a particular DBMS.

   b) Discuss about the reasons brings you to choose the database than the file system.

      We have to choose the database than file system because it has the following



  * Program data independence : With the database approach, data descriptions are

      stored in a central location called repository. This property of database system

      allows an organization's data to change and evolve without changing the

      application program that process the data.

   * Minimal data redundancy : The database approach does not eliminate redundancy

      completely, but it permits the designer to carefully control the type and amount of


    * Improved data sharing : A database is designed as shared resource. Authorized

       internal and external users are permitted to use the database and each user is

       provided one or more user views to facilitates this use.

    * Improved data consistency : By eliminating the data redundancy we able to reduce

       the data inconsistency.

   * Improved data quality : The database approach enable us for giving provision of

      number of tools and processes to improve data quality.

    * Improved data accessibility

    * Reduced program maintenance

    * increased productivity of application development


 c) What is Data independence? Discuss about levels of Data Independence.

 The disjointing of data descriptions from the application programs  that uses the data is called data independence. Data independence is one of the main advantages of DBMS. The three-schema architecture provides the concept of data independence, which means that upper-levels are unaffected by changes to lower-levels. The three schemas architecture makes it easier to achieve true data independence. There are two kinds of data independence.

 Physical data independence

 *  The ability to modify the physical schema without causing application programs to   

     be rewritten.

 *   Modifications at this level are usually to improve performance.

            Logical data independence

 *  The ability to modify the conceptual scheme without causing application programs

    to be rewritten.

 * Usually done when logical structure of database is altered.

 d) What is meant by Table? Give the characteristics of a  Table.

 A table consists of a set of columns and an arbitrary number of unnamed rows. Each row of a table corresponds to a record that contains data values for a single entity.

Characteristics of a table (relation)

 *   A table is a two dimensional structure composed of rows and columns.

*   Each table row represents a single entity occurrence within the entity set.

*   Each table column represents an attribute and each column has a distinct name.

*   Each row and column intersection represents a single data value.

*   Each column has a specific range of values known as the attribute domain.

*   Each table must have a primary key.

 3.  a) Discuss about the components of ER Model?

 An E-R model is a logical representation of the data for an organization or for a business area. An E-R model is expressed in  terms of entities, relationship among those entities and the attributes of both the entities and their relationships. An E-R model is normally expressed as  an E-R diagram which is the graphical representation of an E-R model.

 Entity : A person, place, object, event or concept in the user environment about which the organization wishes to maintain data.

Ex :        person : EMPLOYEE, CUSTOMER, STUDENT

 Strong entity : An entity that exists with depending on other entity type that means it exists on its own.

 Weak entity type : The entity type on whose existence depends on other entity type.

 Attribute : A property or characteristic of an entity type that is of interest to the organization.



         STUDENT : S_No, S_Name, S_Course, S_Address

Required attribute : An attribute of an entity that must have a value for each entity instance.

 Optional attribute : An attribute of an entity that may not have a value for every entity


 Composite attribute : An attribute that can be broken down into component parts.

 Multivalued attribute : An attribute that may take on more than one value for a given

 entity instance.

 Derived attribute : An attribute whose values can be calculated from related attribute


 Relationships : A relationship is an association representing an interaction among the instance of one or more entity types. That means a meaningful association between entity types.

 Associate entity : An entity type that associates the instance of  one or more entity types and contains attributes that are peculiar to the relationship between those entity instances.

 b) Discuss in detail about advantages and disadvantages of DDBMS

 Advantages of DDBMS:

 *  Data are located near the greatest demand site

*  Faster data access

*  Faster data processing

*  Growth facilitation

*  Improved communication

*  Reduced operating costs

*  User friendly interface

*  Less danger of a single point failure

*  Processor independence

 Disadvantages of DDBMS:

*  Complexity of management and control

*  Technological difficulty

*  Security

*  Lack of standards

*  Increased training costs

*  Increased storage and infrastructure facility.


 c) Discuss about BCNF. How does it differ from 3NF? Why it is considered a strong

    form of 3NF.

   Boyce-Codd normal form(BCNF): A relation in which every determinant is a

   candidate key.

     3NF : A relation that is in second normal form and has no transitive dependencies


 *  It is always possible to obtain a 3NF design without sacrificing lossless-join or


 *  If we do not eliminate all transitive dependencies, we may need to use null values

     to represent some of the meaningful relationships.

 *  Repetition of information occurs.

 If we must choose between BCNF and dependency preservation, it is generally better to opt for 3NF.

 *  If we cannot check for dependency preservation efficiently, we either pay a high

     price in system performance or risk the integrity of the data.

 *  The limited amount of redundancy in 3NF.

 To summarize, our goal for a relational database design is BCNF


*  Lossless-join.

 *  Dependency-preservation.

 If we cannot achieve this, we accept 3NF

 *  Lossless-join.

*  Dependency-preservation.

 When we decompose a relation, we have to use natural joins or Cartesian products to put the pieces back together. This takes computational time.

d)  What is Cursor? How can you access the cursor in PL/SQL  program.

Explicit Cursors

An explicit cursor is defined in the declaration section of the PL/SQL Block. It is created on a SELECT statement which returns more than one row. We can provide a suitable name for the cursor.

The General Syntax for creating a cursor is as given below:

CURSOR cursor_name IS select_statement;

*  cursor_name – A suitable name for the cursor.

*  select_statement – A select query which returns multiple rows.

There are four steps in using an Explicit Cursor.

*  DECLARE the cursor in the declaration section.

*  OPEN the cursor in the Execution Section.

*  FETCH the data from cursor into PL/SQL variables or records in the Execution


*  CLOSE the cursor in the Execution Section before you end the PL/SQL Block.


 CURSOR emp_cur IS  SELECT  *   FROM emp   WHERE salary > 5000;     

 In the above example we are creating a cursor 'emp_cur' on a query which returns the records of all the  employees with salary greater than 5000. Here 'emp' in the table which contains records of all the  employees.

4.  a) Discuss about Arithmetic functions in SQL with example?

Arithmetic functions in SQL :

ABS : returns absolute values of n








POWER: returns m raised to the nth power.







ROUND : returns n, rounded to m places to the right of a decimal point.







SQRT:  returns square root of n







EXP : returns e raised to the nth power, where e = 2.71828183







GREATEST : returns the greatest value in a list of expressions







LEAST : returns least value in a list of expressions







MOD : returns the remainder of a first number divided by second number passed a parameter







 TRUNC: returns a number truncated to a certain number of decimal places. The decimal place value must be an integer.







 FLOOR: returns the largest integer value that is equal to or less than a number.









CEIL : returns the smallest value that is greater than or equal to the number.








 b) What is a view in SQL? Discuss the limits of View operations.

 To reduce  redundant data to the minimum possible, SQL allows the creation of an object called a view.  A view is a mapped to a SELECT sentence.  The table on which the view is based is described in the FROM clause of the SELECT statement.  A view which is mapped to a table will in effect have a subset of the actual columns of the table from which it is built.  This technique offers a simple effective way of hiding columns of a table.  If a view is used to only look at table data and nothing else the view is called read-only view.  A view that is used to look at table data as well as insert, update and delete table data is called an updateable view.

 Creating view the following syntax is used.

 CREATE VIEW < view name> AS

       SELECT <column name 1><column name 2> FROM <table name>

                 WHERE <column name> = <expression list>

                 GROUP BY <grouping criteria> HAVING <predicate>

 For the view to be updateable the view definition must not include:

 *  Aggregate function


*  Sub queries

*  Constants, strings, or value expressions like book_price * 2.25


*  If a view is defined from another view, the second view should be updateable.


 c) What is Index? Describe the properties of an Indexes.

 An index is an ordered list of contents of column or group of columns of a table. 

 Indexing a table is an access strategy that is a way to sort and search records in the table.  Indexes are essential to improve the speed with which records can be located and retrieved from a table.  Indexing involves forming a two dimensional matrix completely independent of the table on which the index is being created.  This two dimensional matrix will have a single column, which will hold the sorted data, extracted from the table columns on which the index is created.

 Another column called the address field identifies the location of the record in the oracle database.

 When data is inserted in the table the oracle engine automatically inserts the data values in the index.  For every data value held in the index the oracle engine inserts a unique ROWID value.  This is done for every data value inserted into the index, without exception.  The ROWID indicates exactly where the record is stored in the table. The records in the index are sorted in the ascending order of the index columns.

 d) Discuss about System Development Life Cycle.

 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) : The traditional methodology used to develop, maintain and replace information system.

 The traditional SDLC is divided into five phases : planning, analysis, detailed systems design, implementation and maintenance.  The SDLC is an iterative rather than a sequential process.


 Initial assessment : The SDLC planning phase gives a general view of an organization and it goals.  An initial assessment of the information flow must be made during this discovery portion of the SDLC.  Such an assessment should answer some important questions:

 *  should the existing system be continued?

*  should the existing system be modified?

* should the existing system be replaced?

 Feasibility study : The feasibility study must  address the following.


*  The technical aspects of hardware and software requirements.

*  The system cost

*  The operational cost


 Purpose : to analyze the business situation thoroughly to determine requirements, to structure those requirements, and to select among competing system features. That means a micro level analysis must be done for both the individual needs as well as organizational needs. This phase may address the following questions

 *  what are the requirements of the system’s end users?

*  do those requirements fit into the overall information requirements?

 Detailed system design:

 In this design the designer completes the design of the system.  The design includes all the necessary technical specification for the screens, menus, reports, and other devices that might be used to help make the system more efficient information generator.


 During this phase, the hardware, applications programs and DBMS software are installed and the database design is implemented.  This means that writing of programs, building data files, testing and installing new system, training users and finalizing documentation have been taken place.


 The purpose of this phase is that to the operation and usefulness of a system and to repair and enhance the system and the maintenance activities are grouped into three types:

 *  corrective maintenance (system errors)

*  Adaptive maintenance (changes in business environment)

*  perfective maintenance (enhancing the system)

 5.  a) What is serializability? What is Transaction?

 Serializability :

 Concurrent transactions need to be processed in isolation so that they do not interfere with each other.  If one transaction were entirely processed at a time before another transaction, no interference occur.  Procedures that process transactions so that the outcome is the same as this are called serializable. Processing transactions using a serializable schedule will give the same results as if the transactions had been processed one after  the other. Serializability is achieved by different means, but locking mechanism are the most common type of concurrency control mechanism.            


 A transaction is any action that reads from and /or writes to a database.  A transaction may consist simple SELECT statement, series of INSERT and UPDATE statements. A transaction is a logical unit of work that must   entirely completed or entirely aborted; no intermediate states are acceptable.  All of the SQL statements in the transaction must be completed successfully.  If any of the SQL statements fail, the entire transaction is rolled back to the original database state that existed before the transaction started.  A successful transaction changes the database from one consistent state to another.  A consistent database state is one in which all data integrity constraints are satisfied.


 d) Discuss about Client Server Architecture.

 Client/server architecture : A LAN based environment in which database software on a server (called database server or database engine) performs database commands sent to it from client workstations and application programs on each client concentrate on user interface function. The total conceptual database can be distributed across the local PC workstation, an intermediate server and a centralized server as one distributed database or as separate but related physical databases.

 e) Discuss about Data Fragmentation?

 Data fragmentation allows us to break a single object into two or more segments or fragments.  The object is from user's database, a system database or a table. Each fragment can be stored at any site over a computer network.

 * Horizontal fragmentation : refers to the division of a relation into subsets(fragments)

   of tuples(rows). Each fragment is stored at a different node and each fragment has

   unique rows.

 * Vertical fragmentation  : refers to the division of a relation into attribute(column)

   subsets.  Each subset(fragment) is stored at a different node and each fragment has   

   unique columns.

 * Mixed fragmentation : refers to a combination of horizontal and vertical strategies.

   That means a table may be divided into several horizontal subsets(rows), each one

   having a subset of the attributes(columns).

 6.a) What is Data warehouse? Discuss about the properties of   Data Warehouse.

 Bill Inmon, father of data warehouse, defines the term as "an integrated, subject-oriented, time-variant, nonvolatile collection of data that provides support for decision making".

 Charateristics of Data Warehouse

 * Integrated : Provide a unified view of all data elements with a common definition

    and representation for all business units.

  * Subject-oriented : Data are stored with a subject orientation that facilitates multiple

    views of the data and facilitates decision making.

  * Time-variant : Data are recorded with a historical perspective in mind.  Hence, a

    time dimension is added to facilitate data analysis and various time comparisons.

  * Nonvolatile : Data cannot be changed.  Data are added only periodically from

    historical systems.  Once the data are properly stored, no changes are allowed.

   b) Discuss about Star schema Architecture.

 A star schema consists of fact tables and dimension tables. Fact tables contain the quantitative or factual data about a business--the information being queried. This information is often numerical, additive measurements and can consist of many columns and millions or billions of rows. Dimension tables are usually smaller and hold descriptive data that reflects the dimensions, or attributes, of a business. SQL queries then use joins between fact and dimension tables and constraints on the data to return selected information.

 Fact and dimension tables differ from each other only in their use within a schema. Their physical structure and the SQL syntax used to create the tables are the same. In a complex schema, a given table can act as a fact table under some conditions and as a dimension table under others. The way in which a table is referred to in a query determines whether a table behaves as a fact table or a dimension table.

Even though they are physically the same type of table, it is important to understand the difference between fact and dimension tables from a logical point of view.

A well-designed schema provides dimension tables that allow a user to browse a database to become familiar with the information in it and then to write queries with constraints so that only the information that satisfies those constraints is returned from the database.



The terms fact table and dimension table represent the roles these objects play in the logical schema. In terms of the physical database, a fact table is a referencing table. That is, it has foreign key references to other tables. A dimension table is a referenced table. That is, it has a primary key that is a foreign key reference from one or more tables.

  Simple star schemas

 Any table that references or is referenced by another table must have a primary key, which is a column or group of columns whose contents uniquely identify each row. In a simple star schema, the primary key for the fact table consists of one or more foreign keys. A foreign key is a column or group of columns in one table whose values are defined by the primary key in another table. When a database is created, the SQL statements used to create the tables must designate the columns that are to form the primary and foreign keys.


 c) Discuss about concurrency control.

 The coordination of the simultaneous execution of transactions in a multi user database system is known as concurrency control.  The objective of concurrency control is to ensure serializability of transactions in a multi user environment. During the concurrency control there is possibility to get several data integrity and consistency problems.  The three main problems are lost updates, uncommitted data and inconsistent retrievals.

 Lost updates:

 The lost update problem occurs when two concurrent transactions, T1 and T2 are updating the same data element and one of the updates is lost.

 Uncommitted data :

 The problem of uncommitted data occurs when two transactions, T1 and T2 are executed concurrently and the first transaction(T1) is rolled back after the second transaction (T2) has already accessed the uncommitted data – thus violating the isolation property of transaction.

 Inconsistent retrievals:

 Inconsistent retrievals occur when a transaction accesses data before and after another transactions finish working with such data.

 d)  How was OLAP operations are helpful in analysis of Data.

 Online analytical processing(OLAP) :  The use of a set of graphical tools that provides users with multidimensional views of their data and allows them to analyze the data using simple windowing techniques.

 The OLAP  creates an advanced data analysis environment that supports decision making, business modeling and operations research. OLAP systems share four main characteristics:

 *  They use multidimensional data analysis techniques.

*  They provide advanced database support.

*  They provide easy to use end user interfaces.

*  They support client/server architecture.

 Multidimensional data analysis techniques are augmented by the following functions

 *  Advanced data presentation functions  such as 3D graphics, pivot tables, data rotation, and three dimensional cubes.

*  Advanced data aggregation, consolidation and classification functions:  These allow the data analysts to create multiple data aggregation levels, slice dice data and drill down and roll up data across different dimensions an aggregation levels.

 *  Advanced computational functions : These include business oriented variables, financial and accounting ratios and statistical and forecasting functions.

 Advanced database support:

 OLAP tools have advanced data accessed features to get efficient decision support.  Some of such features are

 *  Access to many different kinds of DBMSs, flat files, internal and external sources

*  Access to aggregated data warehouse data.

*  Advanced data navigation features such as drill-down and rolled up.


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